Tuesday, 29 June 2010

He does have an egg allergy after all

He's fine with well cooked eggs when they're baked into things like quiche or cake but scrambled eggs are a big no.

I gave them to him once and he got a little red around the mouth and then the second time he had a stronger reaction, eyes puffed up and were obviously itchy and a nasty red rash all over his face, very scary and we very nearly rushed him to the hospital (which is fortunately right next door), we hung in there and it faded after about an hour.

Thankfully google came to the rescue...

"Some of the allergenic parts of the egg are changed by cooking and become non reactive. This is why some people react to egg that is raw but not to cooked egg." Presumably scrambled eggs is just not cooked enough!

Apparently two thirds of children with a mild egg allergy will grow out of it by five years of age.

Fingers crossed for the little man.

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