Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Baby Led Weaning and Me

I haven't got "The Book" aka Baby Led Weaning yet - I halfheartedly looked for it here in HK (sent Dymocks an email and tried Bookazine's online search engine) not really expecting to find it and was (or wasn't) disappointed. Thanks be for Amazon's international delivery.

The upshot of this is that I don't know the science behind it, may update this when "The Book" arrives. In the meantime my understanding of the whole BLW thing:

What is it?
Strapping baby into the high chair. Put food in front of him (normal food, like carrots, broccoli, pasta that sort of thing). Let him get on with it.

Why? I heard... but don't know if it's true that the whole pureeing baby food thing started when the recommended age for starting solids moved to around three or four months - the only way to get solids inside a baby that age would be to puree. Then we moved the recommended age back to 6 months but carried on pureeing.

Why 2? It makes sense to me that learning to eat should be about learning that orange, stick-like things are probably going to taste carrotty, (or, I guess like Cheesy Wotsits but I don't plan for him to know what those taste like for a while yet!), small green trees will taste broccoli-y. Spooning puree into baby, whilst not, in my opinion a bad thing at all, will just teach him that spoons contain all sorts of surprises, some nice, some not and, in the words of Forrest Gump's Mother "You never know whatchya gonna get".

Why 3? Laziness. No, really. It seems like the easiest way to go. Yes, they are going to make a mess but a mess now or a mess later on when they start self-feeding anyway... shrug.

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