Lots of posts today as I am starting this blog on Day 4 of BLW and want to share all the details of the first few days.
Day 2 began with carrots due to some vague idea of starting with orange vegetables (note: orange vegetables not chocolatey eclair goo) so I made DH and myself some breakfast (bacon sarnie if you're interested) and cooked up four small carrot sticks for The Boy.
Lesson 1 - don't put the food on the high chair before you put the baby in it, this will result in baby grabbing the food before he is strapped in and you having to take it away while you put his arms through the straps sending entirely the wrong message about enthusiastic grabbing of food.
Lesson 2 - carrots, much like bananas, are sort of ok but not generating huge amounts of enthusiasm. The Boy picked them up put them in his mouth, chewed a bit, swallowed a bit lost interest and sucked his fingers.
Mum took this as a challenge and thought long and hard(ish) about what to offer The Boy next.
I have confused ideas about what babies this age can and can't eat - largely because the medical and baby care establishments have confused ideas about what to give to babies this age. And the world wide webster? well read enough of it and you could go mad trying to follow all the advice.
What I was sure about was that I didn't want to give The Boy what DH and I were having - I forget why, probably chilli related. So I cooked him up about 6 fusilli pieces debated putting pesto on them, decided against it due to a worry about the amount of salt in it plus a worry that the oil content would make the fusilli slippery and render them bananalike in their ungrippability. So I sprinkled some mixed herbs on them for flavour - gourmet, who me?
I feel like the fusilli was the start of BLW for us as The Boy showed a real enthusiasm for this offering. He picked it up he chomped it, he spat it out, he rechomped it, he swallowed a bit, he threw some over the edge of the chair (onto his Messy Mat, thanks to my cousins for that bit of advice) he grabbed some more and in fact, happily occupied himself with the delights of plain pasta with a bit of mixed herbs for the whole time DH and I were eating our food.
Watching The Boy, smile, show enthusiasm for his food and keep coming back for more was incredibly and unexpectedly rewarding.
Return of the irrepressible grin!
Glad you're having so much fun! We have been having a whale of a time since s started, part of our reasoning too was laziness, but the rest of it just felt right.
ReplyDeleteS's first meal was in Pizza Hut (Gasp! I know, what are we teaching her? but hey they had a handy salad bar with nicely chopped veg and bread sticks, mummy and daddy were hungry and we thought she should join us at our height) She's now 15 months and I really trust her judgement. last week she turned down ice cream (no thanks I'm full), yesterday she turned down meringue and opted for fresh pineapple - how cool is that?
Our biggest disappointment so far is when we tried to go out for a curry with her (she loves her daddy's version and we felt like a meal out) and went to 4 different restaurants, not one had a high chair, and I hadn't thought to bring our cloth one...
Try cutting up an orange (or banana) with the skin still on, he'll soon figure out which bit he can eat and its much easier to hold. Also not sure if you have wheatabix there but if you do don't add too much milk so its fairly easy to handle, but be warned that it becomes cement on any surface if its missed during washdown!
He's looking gorgeous by the way