I think The Boy does better if whoever is feeding him is eating as well and appears not to be paying attention to him, so the best meal for baby led weaning for us is probably breakfast.
Being a slow mover in the morning I will attempt to give The Boy his breakfast bottle at 7.30 am which he isn't normally very interested in, but then by the time I've caught up on the morning news, showered, dressed and actually made breakfast it's usually gone 9 (I said I was a slow mover) by which time The Boy is hungry enough to show interest in the food and not in need of his next nap yet - perfect.
My weekday breakfast is porridge and blueberries and in the best principle of blw I thought I'd try and give him what I was eating. I wasn't prepared to give him porridge with no cutlery at all, it's just not practical although I guess it would have been messy fun, so I thought I'd try a loaded spoon left on his tray for him to pick up.
The results were both entertaining and successful - he seemed to like porridge (the pre-squished blueberry not so much as it turned up in his bib later). He figured out which was the business end of the spoon (after shoving the handle in worryingly far and causing another fit of gagging) and had a good go at four small spoonfuls before losing patience and indicating loudly that it was in fact, now naptime.
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