Tuesday 2 March 2010

Five Star Boy

Sunday brunch in the Grand Hyatt - very Ab Fab darling.

It's the most high end venue we have attempted to take The Boy to and I was keeping everything crossed that we wouldn't have a meltdown similar to the one we had the other day, as the thing with posh places is that there is very little ambient noise to drown out the screeches of a discontented small person.

The Boy is going through a stage of high chair rejection, at least I hope it's just a stage - I think as soon as he realises he can be up high with us all and join in the conversation and eating, he will put up with the being strapped in but until then it's laps or pushchairs for this little man.

So we took the MacLaren - not exactly five star transport but it folds up with one hand and fits in a cab and that's really what you want in a pushchair in this part of the world.

It all went rather better than expected, he was well napped and looking for entertainment. He positively devoured the soft breadstick that I gave him - he ate the whole thing, no mushy bits left anywhere on the floor or the pushchair. I wasn't there for the swallowing moment but apparently he coughed then gave a big gulp and it was gone - Result!

He successfully gnawed his way through a small bit of broccoli - much less actual eating of this and more chewing but even so. Semi-Result!

He looked at and promptly threw away frittata that I gave him. Humph.

Porridge and bread - so far baby led weaning is all about carbs with The Boy.

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